33rd & 424th District Court
 Call us at: 512-756-5436
Fax 512-756-8478
 University of Texas at Austin - Bachelor of Science

University of Houston Law School - J.D.

Shawn Casey & Associates - Houston, Texas

Charles A. Ellison, PC - College Station, Texas

West, Webb, Albritton & Gentry, PC - College Station, Texas

Hutto Lucksinger Garrett & Kennedy PLLC - Marble Falls, Texas

33rd District Judge
Elected Presiding Judge:
 January 2013 to Present

Hon. Evan C. Stubbs
424th District Court
Tarleton University - Bachelor of Science

Texas Tech University Law School - J. D.


​Norton & Wood, Texarkana, Texas

Stubbs Law Office - Lampasas, Texas

424th District Judge
Elected Presiding Judge
January 2015 to Present
About 33rd & 424th District Court
33rd & 424th District Court service Burnet, Llano, Blanco, and San Saba Counties.  The District Courts in Llano, Blanco, and San Saba preside over family, civil, juvenile, and felony criminal filings.  In Burnet County, the District Courts preside over civil, juvenile, and felony criminal filings.  

Please understand that the judge cannot talk to you about your case. This is called an ex-parte communication and is prohibited by ethical rules that the Court must follow.

The court staff likewise cannot talk with you other than to discuss settings and then only if you are representing yourself. If you are represented by an attorney then the staff will speak only with your attorney.


None of the information either contained within or referenced by this web site is intended either to give legal advice or to make a comment on any legal matter which is or possibly could one day be pending in this Court.

Neither the judge nor the court staff can answer any legal questions for you. 

What's NOT on this web site
The following information is NOT contained on this web site: 
  • Case and Cause Numbers (or cause no.) 
  • Names of any party / parties 
  • Jail or inmate information 
  • Pleadings or other specific case info 
  • Names of any attorney / lawyer 
Hon. J. Allan Garrett
33rd District Court